söndag 2 januari 2011

Welcome 2011 and may you collect all the positive thoughts and energy from all people who feel responsible for the future. Let´s create something amazing this year and let the Global Awareness focus on Love and positive energy. Be sure to do at least one Good thing every day and you will Make a Differens. Good Luck to all and Happy New Year!

If you like ABBA you can listen to them HERE!

lördag 18 september 2010

How to open a “closed door!”

And what shall we do to “open up the door” to someone we want to invite to our amazing, one time in history, money for all, right place at the right time, wealthcreating opportunity? I do not have the right answer to that question because I believe that it´s about our own mindset. This quote is a favourite:
“Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenges, wish for more wisdom.”  Earl Shoaf
So is´s about my own scills and how to deal with the challenges I face. My wisdom will expand when I allow myself to grow and learn from success and failure I experience in my life. This is not an answer to my question either, because how shall I use my wisdom to contact the people I want to join my excellent business? It´s not about what YOU want because it´s about what THEY want! So how do I know what they want? That´s a good question and not so hard to answer either!
Ask them!
If you in any way could contribute with something that would fullfill their dreams or goals then you have found your businespartner that will be there for many years to come.

How to create value in life!

If you ask yourself the question: What is most important in life, I am 100% sure that among the first 3 things comes health. Really strange because we have so much unhealthy food nowadays even though we know a lot about healthy food, we still prefer the fast food. I saw a  womans reaction when she didn´t get her Chicken Nuggets for breakfast at McDonalds! You can find it on Youtube! Amazing! Another strange thing is that a lot of people I´ve met do not think that money belongs to the most important things in life either! If we could see money as energy that we can use for a good cause instead! When I ask some of the “big guys” in Network Marketing about what it is that drives them to work so hard a lot of them say that it is to help people create an extra income or to contriubute with something that creates value for people. During my years in the Network Marketing World I have seen so many who´s not successful yet, that are doing  really nasty things just to make some extra cash. So what we need to do is to make a choice and that is to follow and learn from The Good Leaders!  And then comes the question How do I know it is a Good Guy? Have to give that some thought!